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Music Producer

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Song Arrangement

Is your song too long, too short, too boring?

Arrangement is key, let me help you.

Studio Production

The recording studio is home to me. I can help you navigate the process and get the most out of your budget.


Mixing is where it all comes together and the essence of the song is highlighted


A collection of songs I have Produced or Recorded

Our work


If you are like me music has  grabbed your soul and will not let go. For us there is no backup plan, Music is our sole expression and guidence through life. if this describes you then lets make music together.


I started recording my self out of necessity really, I was a Flegeling guitar player, well still am:-) but I had these songs in my head and I just loved the idea of the recording process I was also able to get my hands on some pretty sweet gear of the time in the form of a cassette 4 track recorder and I have never really stopped. The gear has improved, my skills have definetly improved but the heart and soul of my purpose is to capture songs in a bottle and It is this drive that helps me understand the "mobile" recording process that new generations are taking advantage of. I have total respect for anything that is musicaly interesting  and blows me away sonicaly, the gear/software is really secondary. This being said I tend to focus on my roots when producing bands and bring my techinal knowleg as a support  net that hopefully encompasses the bands vision and adds the finishing touch to help it translate from little speakers in a room to a listners heart.


For me the idea of a Producer is not only the person who is responsible for the recording plan, budget, hireing of musicians and the leader in the recoding process. but also the one who is quality control over the recording doing what ever it takes to ensure the artist is getting what they invisioned and protecting them from the mundane technologies and processes that happen in the studio.  I still spend the majority of my time Producing records at London Bridge Studio. I find this studio to be really inspiring not only for me but also for my clients. Most of the musicians that I work with have had a relationship with LBS for most of their lives with the soundtrack of the studio influensing them in their own musical exploration, just as it did mine.


I look forward to hearing your music, Geoff.


If you are interested in working with Geoff, the best way to get him music is by signing up with (its Free) and upload your demos or rough mixes and share the folder with

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